How do you know if the person everyone thinks you are, perhaps that you think you are, is not actually the real you? How would you be able to tell if you were 98% poseur?
All in meaning of life
How do you know if the person everyone thinks you are, perhaps that you think you are, is not actually the real you? How would you be able to tell if you were 98% poseur?
Sometimes three things come together to form a moment of infinite importance for eternity. The final hours of a person’s life coupled with the hand of God quietly working behind the scenes, and the third ingredient is one of God’s sons or daughters ready to step into that moment.
Although we have often thought we could find happiness in joy in this life, what we have really always wanted is God —the one who is the origin of happiness and joy.
Free will is the ability to make meaningful decisions that are not merely determined by chemistry and physics, nor anything other than oneself, and for any decision, you could have decided differently.
Although I have found many excellent online resources for coping with grief, almost none of them mention what I have found to be the two most important things that have been enormously helpful for me.