The Fantasy of the Gaps Response

A theist may sometimes use a god-of-the-gaps argument when faced with a gap in our knowledge for a natural explanation for something. But if that gap begins to be filled with evidence from science, history, or logic and it increasingly points to God, a non-theist will often make a fantasy-of-the-gaps move to avoid it.

Culture-led 'Christianity' vs Culturally Relevant, Authentic Christianity

When people who appear to have been sincere Christians did things that were incompatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ, they often did so as a result of being led by the culture of the day, rather than by the teachings of Christ. This is why it is so vital to distinguish between a false, culture-led Christianity and an authentic, culturally-relevant, Christ-led Christianity.

The Sin of Sodom and Implications Today

The sin of Sodom is often thought to be sexual immorality while others argue it was a failing of social justice. It appears it was not either/or, but both, plus the even greater sin of human pride. There are some striking parallels with our culture today which raises the obvious concern - is the destruction of Sodom a foreshadowing of what lies ahead for our civilization?

Who and What is God?

When you begin to conceive of a magnitude of beauty so powerful that the universe itself is unable to contain it, you have taken the first tiny step toward understanding who and what God is. Then do the same for justice, joy, music, love, purity, and every perfect gift. Then imagine a being who transcends time.