Sophistry in the Church and contemporary Christianity is a major issue, far greater than most people realize. What is it, and how do I as an individual deal with it?
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Sophistry in the Church and contemporary Christianity is a major issue, far greater than most people realize. What is it, and how do I as an individual deal with it?
The sin of Sodom is often thought to be sexual immorality while others argue it was a failing of social justice. It appears it was not either/or, but both, plus the even greater sin of human pride. There are some striking parallels with our culture today which raises the obvious concern - is the destruction of Sodom a foreshadowing of what lies ahead for our civilization?
Oxford social anthropologist J.D. Unwin discovered that when a highly developed culture undergoes an increase in sexual freedom, a collapse of that culture follows within three generations. The historical data reveals this pattern with “monotonous” regularity.